Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Hump Day...What's On Your To-Do List?

There are days when my to-do list (which lives on my desk in a colorful array of sticky notes) seems overwhelming. For today, my list looks like this (this is what I can find on my desk, anyway):

  • Call car dealership
  • Research list of agents
  • Call vet
  • Make follow-up dr appt
  • Ensure Easter basket stuff is set
  • Refill prescription

That's in between the actual 9 hours of day-job work in front of me, as well as the typical daily duties (walking dogs, checking homework, making dinner, playing with kids, breaking up fights, bath/bed). 

Add in the two hours of writing, one hour of social stuff (Twitter, Facebook and blogs - oh my!), and the two hours of reading (OK...sometimes I must finish the book, so this time varies)...well, things are pretty full, and I don't think I've ever been happier.

Happy hump day!


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