Thursday, March 28, 2013

Twitter, #PitMad and #PitchMadness

I'm a noob when it comes to Twitter. It's easy to get lost in the streams, conversations, and generalities that litter cyberspace....and that's why I follow not only specific people (agents, editors, publishing houses, authors, etc) but I also follow hashtags.

Two big hashtags for me are #pitchmadness and #pitmad. These give aspiring authors a chance to sell their work directly to agents and editors via Twitter. #pitchmadness is usually set up in Twitter, then submitted via email and is more structured (with the notices blasted across Twitterverse that it'll be happening on a specific day, during a certain time frame), but #pitmad is a 140-character, no-holds-barred, pick-me-pick-me!, real-time writerpalooza where you're given an answer immediately. Instant gratification (or disappointment).

It's happening tomorrow between 8am and 6pm. While I'm not participating, I'll be watching to see how it plays out online. Check it out (search #pitmad in Twitter to see all tweets), and post your comments as to what cool things you see!

While you're there, why don't you go ahead and follow me? I'll follow you back, and we can have tweetersations!


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